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Achieve Your Goals. Change Your Life.
Invest now and ACHIEVE more than you can imagine.
1,497$ÂThis 6 weeks course produces massive results in a group.Valid for 6 weeks- Six Weeks Access to the Premium Online Goal Setting Modules
- Six Weeks Access to Private Facebook Community
- Six weeks downloadable lessons includes Digital Worksheets
- Weekly Friday Group Live Learning, Q & A Sessions w/ Wanda
- Two 60 Minute Private Goal Setting Strategy Session w/ Wanda
- Complimentary Goal Setting Assessment (valued @ $197)
- 1 replay of past G4G session with guest millionaire
ACHIEVE 6 Installment plan
525$Every 2 weeksAchieve 6 Goal Setting Installment PlanValid for 6 weeks- All Benefits of Full Program Investment
2,497$ÂThis impactful 12 wks group online course is transformativeValid for 3 months- ~12 weeks access to premium ACHIEVE modules
- ~12 weeks access to the private ACHIEVE Facebook forum
- ~Digital Worksheets
- ~Weekly Live Learning and Q & A sessions with Wanda
- ~Three Laser Coaching Strategy Sessions w/ Wanda
- ~(3) replays of G4G guest millionaires sessions
- ~Extended Access to all modules for additional 3 months
- ~(1) Complimentary Goal Setting Assesment
ACHIEVE 12 Installment Plan
650$Every 3 weeksTHIS 12 WEEKS 1;1 IS THE INSTALLMENT PLANValid for 12 weeks- SAME AT ACHIEVE 12
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